June 30, 2016
27th World Congress of the International Union of Angiology
October 5-9, 2016
Lyon, France
Website: www.congres.sfmv.fr/en/
Endovascology 2016 International Congress
October 13-15, 2016
Shanghai, China
Website: www.endovascology.org/weben2016/
Email: endovascology@xueguan.net
The 17th Congress of Asian Society for Vascular Surgery
October 20-23, 2016
Grand Hyatt Singapore
Website: www.asvs2016.com
Controversies in Dialysis Access (CiDA)
October 20-21, 2016
Hilton, Austin
Austin, TX
Website: www.dialysiscontroversies.org
Lower Extremity Arterial RevascularizatioN (LEARN)
October 20-22, 2016
JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes
Orlando, FL
Website: www.sirweb.org/meetings/SIR_LEARN.shtml
7th EVF HOW—Hands-On Workshop in Venous Disease
October 27-29, 2016
Grand Resort
Limassol, Cyprus
Website: www.evfvip.com
Email: admin@europeanvenousforum.org
Endovascular Therapies
October 28-30, 2016
The Carolina Hotel at Pinehurst
Pinehurst, NC
Website: www.endovasculartherapies.com
ACP 2016 30th Annual Congress
November 3-6, 2016
Anaheim Marriott
Anaheim, CA
Website: www.acpcongress.org
Email: meetings@acpmail.org
China Endovascular Course 2016 (CEC2016)
November 3-6, 2016
Beijing National Convention Center
Beijing, China
Website: http://en.topcec.com/
Email: cecvascular@gmail.com
24th Annual AIMsymposium
November 14-17, 2016
New York Hilton-Midtown
New York, NY
Website: www.veithsymposium.com/aim.php
Phone: (800) 987-9314, Ext. 101 or (845) 368-0069
Email: admin@aimsymposium.org
2016 VEITHsymposium
November 15-19, 2016
New York Hilton-Midtown
New York, NY
Website: www.veithsymposium.org
Phone: (800) 987-9314, Ext. 101 or (845) 368-0069
Email: admin@veithsymposium.org
VERVE Symposium
December 1-3, 2016
Sheraton On The Park
Sydney, Australia
Website: www.vervesymposium.com
Email: conferences@vervesymposium.com
AVF Fall 2016 Fellows Course
December 2-4, 2016
Los Angeles, CA
Website: www.veinforum.org